Whether she is painting, cartoon, or creating new handmade pieces for her store, Panama artist Mayi Carles is making a name for herself. And today, we are peeking into Mayi's studio for an interview and tour.

This girl not only has inventiveness oozing out of her bones, she has the brain to friction match (just read her answer to the first question for her impressive list of credentials). And then, let'south get right to the Q and A…

-How long have y'all been pursuing work as an creative person ?

I was 2 years old in 1984, the year my parents framed my very outset crayon doodle, which however hands in my mom and dad's bedroom in its flashy golden frame. So yous tin can say Ive been making fine art even since I could. At present, I accept a few career diplomas under my belt to decorate my studio wall and other fancy stuff. I studied Fine art in Scuola Lorenzo de Medici in Florence, Italian republic; received a dual Bachelor caste in Communication Studies and Fine art Theory and Practice, with a minor in Fine art History from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois; and a Masters in Fine art in Visual and Disquisitional Studies from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois. My exhibition curriculum includes individual shows and artists collectives in both Illinois and Panama. In 2009, I published my get-go volume self titled, Mayi – a quirky autobiography. In January 2010, I was invited to join the Lath of Managing director of the Bio Museum, designed past Frank Gehry and curated by Bruce Mau. In February, I quit my job to become a full time artist and one calendar month later I opened an eco-friendly Etsy boutique. Today, my passion for creating and love for making is equally present and prominent as it was at age 2, when I did that first doodle.

-How would you depict your piece of work ?

My work is not well-nigh aesthetic games, nor is it only about color or shape; it is almost an obsessive search journey to reconcile the inner child I have inside (gratuitous spirited, passionate, naïve, super creative and curious beyond belief), with the adult I have become (expect in technique, dense knowledge about art, but full of biases, dogmas and emotional baggage). In this sense, my work is about the inner tensions and playful struggles we have inside. The outcome is a beautifully orchestrated torso of work that brings harmony and residue between my child and grown up dialectic.

-Where is your studio located?

I live and work in Panama (not as in Panama City, Florida, but as in Panama City, Republic of Panama) a very beautiful, sunny and tiny country in Key America. My studio, which is besides my home sweet dwelling, is located right next to my parents, in front of my grandmothers and diagonal to my aunt and uncles house. So, every bit you can probably imagine, my work is greatly influenced past the very loving and supportive family I have.

-How many hours per week exercise yous spend at your studio?

Oh my when Im I not working my studio? You see, I have a very serious creating addiction. And yes I too admit, Im an irreparable workaholic too. I create all the fourth dimension, including weekends. Im at my studio approximately 16 hours a day, a total of 112 hours a week requite or take. But, I must also add, I completely love what I do. Making is non my work, this is my passion, and it makes me so so really happy.

-What communication do you have for other artists who may be just starting out, or are struggling to be seen?

To believe passionately in any there hearts truly desire. "Past assertive passionately in something that still doesnt exist we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired." I have followed Kafka wise words for many years now and I have yet to exist disappointed.

-In what ways exercise your promote yourself and your work online?

I purchased my domain namewww.mayicarles.com when I was xvi. I was sure thinking ahead, just it was a smart move that helped me position my proper name big time in the Net and Google since way back. In my website I promote my gallery (my artwork and exhibition pieces), my boutique (a.thousand.a. my Etsy Store) and my blog (which is currently undergoing a serious face elevator, please stay tuned for its grand opening). I too promote my work through Flickr and Facebook.

Recently I have started running ads online in CraftCult, Scoutie Girl, and Imaginative Bloom, which have all brought me many lovely visitors and clients. Im also extremely honored to be participating in papernstitchs 2010 summer exhibition. And of course, is always wonderful to exist featured, recognized and promoted by others for free. For example I was recently featured in Splendora, a manner and culture web log that I dearest, and this was an awesome surprise. Next month I will be doing a giveaway in MosterBites so delight stop by.

-Do y'all take any shows or events coming up that we should know almost?

A solo show in Baronial at Arlene Lachman Gallery, Panama City, Panama

-Links to Brand Note of:

Personal Website "" http://www.mayicarles.com

Etsy Shop "" http://www.etsy.com/shop/mayicarles

Flickr ""http://www.flickr.com/photos/mayicarles/

Facebook ""http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=602230248


Thanks and so much Mayi Carles for allowing the states to have a look inside your studio, and of form for the interview besides. Information technology was a pleasure.