what to do when you have eaten too much

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If you accept had a big meal and you are feeling swollen and very full, y'all will demand to take some time to rest and digest. A very large meal tin make yous tired, uncomfortable or even sick. Allow yourself to recover earlier undertaking any strenuous action. A brief walk and cup of a herbal tea can help aid your digestion. If you find yourself overeating regularly, you should consider taking steps to address this.

  1. 1

    Eat more than slowly. Eating slowly and in a relaxed temper will help you digest your food more comfortably, giving your digestive enzymes more time to intermission down the food. Chewing your food thoroughly not just chops it down into more hands digestible chunks, simply the more fourth dimension it is in your oral fissure the more than contact it volition have with the saliva which begins your body's digestive work.

    • Consume at a more sedate step, and make meals a social occasion and opportunity to conversation and take hold of up with family unit and friends.
    • If you are talking, you volition consume more slowly and your digestion will be smoother and easier.
  2. two

    Take a brief walk. After a big repast you will probably feel like having a lie down and maybe a nap, only the evidence suggests that taking a short walk for fifteen or xx minutes is a great manner to assist digestion. After heavy eating your claret sugar will generally rise and then fall, and going for a walk after eating can help you stabilise your blood sugar levels.

    • A walk a trivial subsequently eating tin can assistance you clear the glucose from your blood and get you feeling dorsum to normal.[1]


  3. 3

    Sip some herbal tea. Various herbal teas can be good digestive aids. Ginger tea is an specially practiced option. You can brand information technology from a ginger tea bag, or by placing a few slices of ginger root in a cup of boiling h2o. Some other teas to try that promote practiced digestion include chamomile, peppermint, and cinnamon.

    • You can add a few squeezes of lemon and shakes of cayenne pepper to ginger tea to make a batter that will assist speed up your metabolism, and tackle your swollen feeling.
    • The cayenne pepper tin help quicken your metabolism, while the lemon helps you experience less bloated.
  4. iv

    Potable some h2o. Drinking water afterward a meal tin assistance you feel a fleck refreshed, but it can also assist your digestion. The water can aid the passage of the food through your digestive organization. Drink a glass around xx minutes after you have finished eating. Consider drinking a cup of hot water rather than cold water.


  1. 1

    Try to relax. Later eating a large meal try non to give yourself a hard time. It'south very common to overeat occasionally, especially at big occasions such as holidays and birthdays. Try to relax and allow your body to go on with digesting the food. Follow a quick walk and a cup of ginger tea with some time spent simply relaxing on the sofa.

    • If you need to distract yourself, try reading or watching a movie.
  2. 2

    Do some stretches. One mode to try to relax after a large meal and stabilise your system is to perform some simple yoga stretches.[2] Some gentle stretching can assist calm your body and ease digestion. Start by sitting on the floor in with your legs crossed, and and then slowly turn to your left and hold. Take five deep breaths and so turn your body back to the centre. Twist to your right, concord, and take v deep breaths.

    • Do this a few times, simply don't push besides difficult. Keep the movements slow and controlled and concentrate on your breathing.
  3. 3

    Cut out carbohydrates from your side by side meal. If you have eaten a large meal that contained a significant amount of carbohydrates, you can help avoid storing also much of that as fat, but cut the carbs out of your next meal. For example, if you lot have a big meal in the evening, have a carbohydrate-free breakfast in the morning time.[iii]

    • Become for some fruit with yoghurt rather than bread or breakfast cereal.[4]


  1. i

    Evaluate whether you binge consume regularly. Occasional rampage eating is normal and most people swallow too much every now and again, but if y'all find you are binge eating regularly yous may be dissentious your health. If you feel compelled to binge swallow, you may accept an eating disorder which can be diagnosed and treated. The characteristics and symptoms of Rampage Eating Disorder include:[five]

    • Feeling powerless to finish eating, or out of control of your eating.
    • Frequent episodes of uncontrollable eating.
    • Feeling very distressed or upset during or after binge eating.
    • No regular attempts to vomit after eating, as occurs in those who suffer from bulimia.
  2. 2

    Consider the causes of Binge Eating Disorder. The verbal causes of BED are unknown, only in that location are thought to be a number of potential contributory factors. It is thought that those who suffer from BED are often depressed, or have been depressed in the by. People struggling with their emotions sometimes binge eat, as do some people who are dieting, or skipping meals.

    • There is also thought to be biological factor. The disorder tin often appear in several members of the same family, and at that place may be a genetic influence.
  3. iii

    Seek help if you suspect you may endure from BED. Lots of people overeat, and only because you exercise this doesn't hateful that you have an eating disorder. If yous binge regularly or excessively, however, you should visit your doctor. Information technology is especially important to practise this if your eating is making you experience depressed, or impacting your physical or mental wellness.[6]

    • Your medico will ask yous about your eating habits and your general wellbeing.
    • A doctor can brand a diagnosis and may refer to a counsellor, psychiatrist or psychologist.
    • You may besides work with a nutritionist who helps you devise a meal plan.
    • The underlying causes of BED may also be treated with SSRIs or anticonvulsant medications.
    • Sometimes, bariatric surgery (such as gastric bypass surgery) tin sometimes exist helpful for those with BED.


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    How can I end binge eating when I'1000 stressed out?

    Mindy Lu, LMHC, CN

    Mindy Lu is a Certified Nutritionist (CN), Licensed Mental Wellness Counselor (LMHC), and the Clinical Director of Sunrise Nutrition, a nutrition and therapy group practice in Seattle, Washington. Mindy specializes in eating disorders, trunk paradigm concerns, and chronic dieting. She holds an MS in Nutrition and Clinical Health Psychology from Bastyr University. Mindy is a Licensed Counselor and Nutritionist and is known for her warm therapeutic mode and culturally-inclusive lens in healing. She is a member of the Multicultural Counselors of Washington State and the Association for Size Diversity and Health.

    Mindy Lu, LMHC, CN

    Certified Nutritionist & Licensed Counselor

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    Using food as condolement is a very mutual experience for many people. It'southward not necessarily a bad thing in the 1000 scheme of health, but it does become concerning when information technology'due south your only form of comfort. And so the showtime thing that I would recommend is thinking virtually other ways that you tin seek comfort or self-care. For example, maybe you tin get for a walk outside or spend some time playing with your dog. In one case you do those things, you might not feel like you need to turn to food anymore.

  • Question

    How tin I stop obsessing over nutrient?

    Mindy Lu, LMHC, CN

    Mindy Lu is a Certified Nutritionist (CN), Licensed Mental Wellness Advisor (LMHC), and the Clinical Director of Sunrise Diet, a nutrition and therapy grouping practice in Seattle, Washington. Mindy specializes in eating disorders, trunk prototype concerns, and chronic dieting. She holds an MS in Nutrition and Clinical Health Psychology from Bastyr University. Mindy is a Licensed Counselor and Nutritionist and is known for her warm therapeutic fashion and culturally-inclusive lens in healing. She is a fellow member of the Multicultural Counselors of Washington State and the Association for Size Diversity and Wellness.

    Mindy Lu, LMHC, CN

    Certified Nutritionist & Licensed Advisor

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    When people are constantly thinking near food, unremarkably that signals that they're hungry a lot. When they're hungry, it ways that they've probably been restricting purposefully or by accident. So you want to check and make sure yous're eating enough every day during the week and getting all of your nutrients. Psychologically, someone might be obsessing over nutrient because they're restricting themselves from the bodily joy that comes with certain foods or actually experiencing the foods with their senses.

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    My stomach is bloated what should I practice?

    Chris M. Matsko, MD

    Dr. Chris 1000. Matsko is a retired doctor based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With over 25 years of medical research experience, Dr. Matsko was awarded the Pittsburgh Cornell Academy Leadership Award for Excellence. He holds a BS in Nutritional Science from Cornell University and an MD from the Temple University School of Medicine in 2007. Dr. Matsko earned a Inquiry Writing Certification from the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) in 2016 and a Medical Writing & Editing Certification from the University of Chicago in 2017.

    Chris M. Matsko, MD

    Family Medicine Physician

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  • Question

    I ate likewise much junk food and I don't desire to eat annihilation. What do I practice?

    Chris M. Matsko, MD

    Dr. Chris 1000. Matsko is a retired physician based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With over 25 years of medical research experience, Dr. Matsko was awarded the Pittsburgh Cornell University Leadership Award for Excellence. He holds a BS in Nutritional Science from Cornell Academy and an Md from the Temple University School of Medicine in 2007. Dr. Matsko earned a Research Writing Certification from the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) in 2016 and a Medical Writing & Editing Certification from the University of Chicago in 2017.

    Chris M. Matsko, MD

    Family unit Medicine Doctor

    Proficient Reply

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    Information technology does not hurt to skip a meal of you ate too much junk food. Attempt to avert binges as much as possible. If this becomes a habit, so you lot may want to speak to your doctor to dominion out an eating disorder.

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Article Summary X

To recover from eating also much, go for a fifteen to twenty minute walk to help your body digest all that food. You can as well exercise some simple yoga stretches to get your trunk back to feeling normal. For example, sit with your legs crossed and slowly turn to one side. Then, concord that position for five deep breaths and exercise the same on the other side. Along with some movement, effort drinking herbal tea like chamomile or peppermint, or a elementary glass of water, to assistance your digestion. It's normal to overeat sometimes, so try non to give yourself a hard time and instead relax on the sofa with a volume or a pic. For more information from our Medical co-writer, including how to eat more than slowly to give your body an easier time of digesting food, roll downwards!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Recover-from-Eating-Too-Much

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